43% of Australia’s International athletes earn less than minimum wage!​

We think this is wrong. Our goal is to build a large community inspired to make a difference
A community that reduces the financial burden athletes carry to achieve their dreams.​

No Timid Souls Athlete Crowdfunding is our way of giving back to the sports​
community that has given us so much.

We provide the platform free of charge to the athletes and the contributors​
so we can maximise the outcomes for the athletes.​

How it works

Step 1: Choose the athlete you would like to support and go to their fundraising page.​
Step 2: Enter your details and contribution amount. You can remain anonymous to the athlete if you would like.​
Step 3: Pay with your credit card. ​
Step 4: Funds are transferred to the athlete's account.​
All transactions are secure and encrypted via Stripe's payment system.

Terms of Use.

Meet the athletes

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Ella Penman

Hi, I'm Ella Penman from Dubbo, NSW. Born and raised in this regional town, I'm the eldest of six children. Coached by my dad, who also mentors other incredible local talent, my athletic journey began at age 7. And now, after a decade of hard work and dedication, I've made my first Australian team. I would love your support to help chase my dreams at the U20 World Championships.

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Riley Day

Are you inspired by someone who puts their heart and soul into their goals, and proudly represents Australia? After making the Olympic 200 metre semi-finals in Tokyo, I know I have what it takes. My sights are firmly set on Paris, and I would love you to support me on this journey.

User Cover Image (max. 5MB)

Matt Formston

I was born with full vision but lost 95% of my sight when I was five years old. I became a Paralympian, World Champion cyclist, as well as 4 time world surf champion. My latest goal? Ride the biggest wave ever by a legally blind surfer. Please join me on the journey.