Ella's Story
Hi, I'm Ella Penman from Dubbo, NSW. Born and raised in this regional town, I'm the eldest of six children. Coached by my dad, who also mentors other incredible local talent, my athletic journey began at age 7. And now, after a decade of hard work and dedication, I've made my first Australian team.
I'm the reigning NSW All Schools 400m champion and am honoured to have been voted Dubbo's 2024 Junior Sportsperson of the Year.
U20 World Championships
I’m thrilled to be representing Australia in the 4 x 400m relay at the World U20 Championships in Lima, Peru, from August 27-31, 2024. The prospect is both exciting and daunting! It’s a huge honour to wear the green and gold, but - like all Australian athletes - I'll be self-funding my journey to Peru at a cost $6000.
Crowdfunding Support 
Every athlete knows you can't achieve your dreams without the support of those around you. And that’s why I’m reaching out to you. 
I've teamed up with No Timid Souls Crowdfunding to help generate the funds I need to compete at the U20 World Championships. You can contribute directly to my campaign via this platform by clicking the 'Contribute' button and following the prompts. Every dollar goes directly to me, as No Timid Souls generously provides this platform free of charge to athletes.
Thank you for supporting my journey and helping me chase my dreams. I really appreciate you helping to make this incredible opportunity a reality!

Ella chasing her dreams!

$7095 raised so far
31 Contributions made
Latest Contributors
Brendan Groves






Ryker Moore


Tim Ferraro
