Riley's Story

If you are inspired by someone who puts their heart and soul into their goals, overcomes setbacks, and proudly represents Australia, then I’m your Woman in the Arena!



Making the Olympic 200 metre semi-finals in Tokyo was an exciting time that lit my competitive fire. My sights are firmly set on Paris, and I would love if you could join me on that journey by providing some support. 


An Olympian's success is sewn during the 34,000 hours between opening ceremonies. The adulation during the two weeks of the games is great, but it is in the gyms and on the training tracks where your support can make the most difference.


Small contributions from a large community of supporters helps me fund the cost of being able to compete against the world’s best. Being at my peak when the big moment arrives requires support.



Each year the world’s best athletes compete across Europe in the lead-up to the major event, which is typically either the Olympic Games or World Championships. To prepare fully involves 8-10 weeks of living, training and competing in the European Summer to get in the best possible shape. 


Don’t worry, it’s not as glamorous as it might seem from the outside. Sleep, train, sweat, eat, repeat. Medical support such as physio or other therapies are about the only things that interrupt the routine. As you can imagine, living and training away from home comes at a cost.

As an example, my 2023 plan is budgeted to cost $24,300,

1. Japan Competition – 3 weeks including flights and accommodation (around $7,000).

2.  European Competition Schedule – 8 weeks including flights and accommodation (around $15,000)

3. Normatec 3 Lower Body Boots ($2,300) are a proven tool to assist athletes recover between sessions, and represent a great opportunity to take my preparation to the next level. 



By sharing my story, I hope you understand how much your support can help Olympians chase their dreams, especially during the times when we aren’t in the limelight. 


Please join me on this journey. Please join me in the Arena and I look forward to supporting you with some training tips along the way too! 

Road to Paris

$3976 raised so far
27 Contributions made
Latest Contributors
NTS & Customers


Skander Malcolm




NTS and Customers


Steve Roberts
